Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Popping my cherry! Here goes my first blog...I have no real direction or purpose for this...just for kicks. I have a 6 month old named Jake, he's sleeping right now. I tried the whole put him down whe. He's drowsy and then let him cry it out thing tonight...what a fucking joke. He would have cried all night. When I had finally had enough... 3 minutes later...I wen tin to pick him up and he was so out of breath...broke my heart...he fell deeply to sleep in my arms and I deposited him right back into his crib sound asleep. I have 2 cats...Ernie and stinky. Brother and sister a buff and a tortie....they are part of the family and pretty great cats if you ask me. They are fighting right now. And there is my husband steve. He's pretty great too. I think we have a good life carved out. Of course we want more money...our dream jobs...to own a house ...blah,blah,blah....but I also think we have a solid foundation and we are happy people to boot. I'm pretty tired....gnight.